The original purple yam tarte has come to Ishigaki!Rich and fresh confections that are only available in the Okashigoten stores.
Either for a party at home or for a gift. Vivid purple colours will make everyone happy!
Celebrated for its original purple yam tarte, Okashigoten has finally come to Ishigaki island. With Okinawa as its’ straightforward theme, the shop is very lively and reflecting the charms of a bright Okinawa. Among the more than 50 items sold, many are lined-up for tasting, making the selection of souvenirs and gifts even more fun.
One recommendation is Okashigoten’s fresh cake made of purple yam or sweet potato that is unique to Okinawa. Purple yam paste and -cream using yam grown by designated farmers on Okinawa main island have excellent aroma and an exquisite natural sweetness. You will feel happy only by looking at the colourful sweets. Of course, colourants and preservatives are not used. Amidst the variety of sweets, the purple yam tarte remains the number 1 most popular item. The purple yam roll cake comes in on the second spot. It contains a layer of sponge cake filled with the richness of yam paste and whipped cream. It is possible to send frozen items to destinations within all of Japan.
The show case lines up items that can be consumed at the spot: fresh yam tartes, slices of yam roll cake, yam cake as well as yam cheese cake. Moreover, there are souvenir gifts such as handkerchiefs, chopstick rests with cute yam designs, and other selected goods. Within one shop, you will be able to get all your souvenir shopping done!
Shop Information
Purple yam tarte confections shop Okashigoten
730 COURT South 1F
TEL 0980-88-0510
Opening hours 9:00〜21:00
Open year-round
この記事は「730NAVI vol.2」に掲載されています。
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